PT 42: She Takes Your Pants Down

Caught between disobedience, desire, and a shyness which makes it difficult to do as she says, you find yourself squirming in front of Terra as her fingers move to the buttons of your shirt and begin undoing them one button at a time, a slow undressing in which her fingers brush lightly over your body. You can barely believe that this is happening. She is so beautiful. Her hair isn’t as straight as you assumed it was when tightly pinned up. It has a curl to it which grows more pronounced toward the end of its length. You can see a few strands of gray, silver streaks which only serve to make her more attractive in your eyes as she unfastens the final button of your shirt and pushes it back over your shoulders and then down your arms, her fingertips grazing over the bare skin of your biceps as the stiff fabric falls away.

“I’m going to have to punish you for not obeying my orders,” she says in a hot, husky tone as her hands drop to your waist and begin to unbuckle the belt which holds your uniform in place. As soon as she loosens the leather, your pants slide over your rear and drop to the floor. You’re hobbled by them, your feet still caught in your boots, pants sitting over them as you stand in your panties and the light vest which reveals the top of your cleavage.

Her hand slides over your hips and finds your bottom with a light slap. “You look so cute in your panties, cadet. Is your bottom still sore?”

“No, ma’am,” you say, your words coming in a soft moan as her palm splays over your cheeks in a slow rub.


The magic of the moment is broken as a scream in the distance sends Terra running from the tent, still in her socked feet. You scoop our pants back up and belt them, leaving your shirt on the ground as you follow after her.

The source of the disturbance is soon clear. Sarah has someone in her grasp, someone bearded and screeching and possibly wounded. He is wearing clothing woven from rough plant fibers and you can smell him from a distance. She has him in a wrestler’s grip, pinned on the ground, writhing and wriggling in clear discomfort.

“Ease off, soldier,” Terra orders. Her ass looks amazing in the tights, lit by moonlight.

“I saw him sneaking around below,” Sarah says, her expression that of an eager hound having bought down its prey. “I thought he might be an enemy spy.”

“And is he?”

“He says he’s a mentalist.”

“ENVIROmentalist!” The unfortunate man screeches.

“Mentalist,” Sarah repeats, deadpan. “Can’t have a mentalist roaming around outside our camp.”

“Let him go, soldier,” Terra orders.

Sarah does so reluctantly.

“Brutes!” The man scrambles to his feet, his hair and clothing awry as he vents his anger. You can see he’s in his late twenties, and by the looks of it, he’s been living rough in the forest for some time. “This is a miscarriage of military…”

“There’s been a small mistake,” Terra says in stern tones. “Let us hope there is not another, bigger one.”

Sarah grins, her teeth bright and menacing. You’re not sure what Terra has against the man unfortunate enough to become the object upon which Sarah has taken out her frustration, but she’s not being precisely conciliatory.

“I’m going to report this,” he says. “I have an intergalactic broadcast journal. You don’t know who you’re dealing with! I’m Henry Jennry. I’m here as a protest.”

“This is restricted territory.”

“You can’t restrict territory,” he sneers at Terra. “You don’t own the land. Or the air. Or… anything.”

“Mentalist,” Sarah repeats in a mutter under her breath.

“What are you protesting?” You ask the question nobody else seems inclined to.

Henry Jennry looks at you blankly for a minute, as if he didn’t expect to be asked that question. “Control,” he says finally. “I’m protesting control. You can’t control nature. You can’t control people. You can’t…”

“For your sake, you should be glad I can control this soldier of mine,” Terra interjects. “Or would you prefer I allowed her to behave as she wishes to behave… uncontrolled?”

“Oh please!” Sarah flashes another one of those eager grins.

Henry is undeterred. “I’ll report this brutality. And I’ll keep protesting. You can’t stop me!”

“No, I suppose we can’t,” Terra says. “Sarah, Boris, conduct our guest outside the restricted zone. Don’t hurt him.”

Sarah’s face falls into a pout. “Yes ma’am,” she says. She grabs Mr Jennry and shoves him in the direction of the slope up which he must have come. He complains loudly, and continues to do so for as long as the three of them are in earshot.

“Ten minutes and a cane,” Terra murmurs to herself.


She turns to you. “Sorry,” she says. “Just my little fantasy. Where were we, cadet?”

“Well, my pants were down…” you smile at her a little.

“Ah yes. And now they’re back up. We’re going to have to start from the beginning, cadet.” She slaps your bottom. “Back to my tent, on the double. Boots off, pants down. No arguing this time. Mr Jennry has exhausted the last of my tolerance for disobedience, civil or otherwise.”

“Yes ma’am,” you reply, feeling a little overwhelmed.

“Sorry, cadet,” she says as she sees the expression on your face. “I have no love for Mr Jennry’s kind. And his interruption was spectacularly badly timed.”

“You were very commanding,” you say. “Even in your pink leggings.”

Terra’s brow rises at you as a smile makes her face brighten. “Are you reading my fashion choices, cadet?”

“No ma’am. I think they’re adorable,” you grin.

“Adorable, hmm… shall we see how adorable it is when I have you back over my lap?”

She advances and you retreat, both smiling as you enjoy the teasing and the slow chase.

“Come here, cadet,” she says, crooking a finger at you. “I need to spank you. That cute bottom of yours is going to be bright red by the time I am done with you.”

“But I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“You don’t have to do anything wrong to be spanked long and hard, cadet,” she says, circling about to herd you back toward her tent one step at a time. “You don’t have to do anything besides be yourself.”

You let out a soft whimper as she comes toward you, her expression intense with disciplinary desire. You are definitely going to get your bottom warmed again. You can see it in her eyes, and your bottom is already tingling in anticipation.

Terra closes the distance, her hands on your hips as she guides you into her tent. She sits down on her bed and pulls you between her thighs, then puts you over them, your upper body resting on her bed as she slides her hand under your belly and unloops your belt from its buckle. Your pants slide back down to your boots and Terra lets out a little sigh of pleasure as your panty clad rear comes into her view.

Her palm smooths over your cheeks, her three middle fingers finding the gusset of your panties as she runs them over your mound. Her touch is intimate, possessive, even a little aggressive. You feel your body responding with a rush of arousal as she takes control between your thighs.

“Ask me for it, cadet,” she orders. “Ask me to spank you.”

What do you say?

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