Author Archives: Loki

The Warrior’s Heart, New Lesbia Book Out Now :)

It’s here!

Nothing is easy in Lesbia, especially not for a princess sent off to be married to a distant prince. Within hours of departing her father’s castle pretty Princess Nive finds herself in the custody of Kira, legendary warrior and trader of flesh.

Being captured by a powerful, dominant warrior is only the beginning for Nive. She is but one thread in a tapestry of stories which have been winding through Lesbia since the beginning of time. The warrior gives Nive into the care of an enigmatic half-elf witch who seems kind, but has an unyielding stance on the discipline of prisoner princesses. The party travels to a fortress hidden in the depths of a secret forest. all the while being pursued by an army desperate to reclaim Nive and send her to her intended.

Nive must struggle against fickle fate which seems determined to take the destiny she never questioned before meeting Ayla the witch and Kira the warrior. She must decide for herself if she will be the wife of a king, a pawn of a goddess, a lover of a lowly scout, or if she will be something more than she ever dreamed.

Throughout it all, Nive is far from alone in her journey. There is Hope, the scout who dreams of becoming a soldier if only Kira could see her potential, Ariadne, the goddess everyone was sure was eaten long ago, and Mary, whose feud with a petunia could spill into all out herbicide.

Click here to buy The Warrior’s Heart πŸ™‚

Any moment now….

Any moment now, the latest Lesbia book, and the first one in over a year to be published, will be available via Amazon. Titled ‘The Warrior’s Heart’ it contains much of the tale which has been told on the Lesbia site over the past months. I hope you will enjoy it as an ebook, tidied up and with one of those ending thingies I hear people are such fans of.

There will be another book beginning on Lesbia, both following on from The Warrior’s Heart and going back to the very beginning of Ayla’s journey. Fans of the witch will want to stay tuned πŸ™‚

If you can, I hope you’ll pick up a copy of The Warrior’s Heart when it comes out πŸ™‚ Even better is if you leave a review. The Amazonians like their reviews.

Either way, the tales continue in the soonish of time.

Merry Christmas Sapphic Brats :D

Merry Christmas everyone! I would have posted earlier but we are a day ahead here, which means I am two days behind. So, that’s a reason, right πŸ˜€

I hope your holiday season is full of joy, or if not quite joy, at least some decent candy and maybe one person who doesn’t make you want to poke them with your fork. Let’s keep our expectations reasonable here. Let’s not go getting all wild with you know, things.

It will be New Years soon, which signals the start of many things, the continuation of others and the ending of some. It’s an aribitrary date, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be happy about it. And, as a wise online philosopher once asked… how are babies always born on their birthdays?

I am writing more things for you to read. I would give a time frame, but we all know it will happen sooner or later and dates are relics of an age where people thought the sun should be in charge of things. We’re more advanced than that.

So yes, happy this day to you, may it be satisfactory and may you think of at least one thing that makes you smile.

Time Flies… Lesbia Awaits…

I had not intended it to be quite this long between updates, but life has been happening with one thing and another, as has probably been the case in your world too. I am working on bringing this installment of the series to a close, and so things are coming to a head in Lesbia as old tensions rise and force Ayla and Kira to face the dynamics they’ve been dancing around for years. I am hoping to have the next book available in the new year.

Catch up on Lesbia!

Ayla and the King…

In which the witch is questioned by the angry father of the missing princess…

β€œWhere is my daughter!? Tell me at once, witch! Speak!”

Nive’s father thundered the question and demands at Ayla, but unlike his subordinates, Ayla did not respond to his threats with any kind of fear. Instead she met his gaze with a clear eye and simply shrugged. The interrogation had been going on for hours and hours and had mostly consisted of a fair bit of shouting and threats to do things worse than shouting which did not eventuate.

The king seemed reluctant to lay so much as a finger on the witch, nobody did. Ayla stood in a small clearing of humans all of whom had their weapons trained on her, none of whom were willing to approach, much like a tribe of hungry mongeese banding around a particularly elegant cobra. She had not made a single threatening comment of her own. There was simply a thingness about her which kept her would-be attackers at bay for the moment at least.

Check out Lesbia!

*Just FYI, I am preparing to finish this book of Lesbia and will be removing and editing earlier chapters as I go. The final book will be published in a few weeks-ish, and will have additional scenes and a few changes from the online serial πŸ™‚

Improving Stories

My post earlier today and tongue in cheek comment about this being an improving sort of place made me think, and thinking made me make this cover for a book (which I have not written, and yet, in some respects, am always writing*.)


(*it would be remiss of me not to point out that I do not intend my writing to actually be improving. Looking to kinky literature for moral guidance is a dangerous dalliance at the best of times.)

Politics Has Happened!

I don’t usually weigh in on politics, because frankly, nobody needs my half-baked opinions when they’re looking for something improving to read (that is why people come here, to be substantially improved in one metric or another.) But the PM for the last five thousand years in NZ has just resigned because he’s kind of over it, so I have to re-post a compilation of his best and most compelling arguments.