Search For A Name

Hello everyone. I have an announcement to make. Well, sort of an announcement, sort of a random fumbling about.

The time has come for me to chrysalis and butterfly. Or something. Which is to say, I am ditching my pen name.

I have several reasons for this. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, being one of them. It’s something  I feel I should do now, for reasons I won’t elaborate on publicly, but will make murky reference to (<- like that.) And it’s something a third thing because things like this come in threes – or fours. To strive, to seek, to find a restaurant where they don’t sit you in the naughty corner under the kitchen window. (Seriously – why even put a table there? It’s like you wanted a place to punish people.)

This already makes limited sense.

I know this could be sort of weird. I always have trouble catching up when people change things like their hairstyles or their noses, let alone their names. 

Also I’m having trouble coming up with a new pen name. It’s difficult. Some of the ones I’ve tried up so far bring up mugshots of burly, angry looking men, which isn’t quite the vibe I’m going for. Also, as I think more on it, things get more ridiculous. So far on my list of possible pen names:

Viola Durmbledrang.

Panther McGee

Nivea Forkitties.

Quoka Quola.

I’ll keep you updated as events warrant. Or maybe even as they don’t.

5 thoughts on “Search For A Name

  1. sparrow

    A few suggestions:

    Sumin Chanit Evinon
    S. O. d’Popp
    A. Lexi Khan
    Tersa d’ Pantsoff
    A. H. Peta- Meecha
    Tungin Tcheak
    Nam Dip Lume
    Pearlie De Larius
    Rhonda Bend

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